25 February 2019

Fellows at Keystone Conference, Snowbird, Utah


The Syntrain fellows Timo Reisländer and Florian Groelly attended the Keystone Conference on “DNA Replication and Genome Instability: From Mechanism to Disease” at Snowbird, Utah, 13-18 January 2019. Here is their Report:

The Keystone Conference brought together high class scientists from around the globe working on cutting-edge research. All of the given talks reflected excellent work ranging from basic science to translational research. Besides 43 fantastic talks, astonishing 187 posters were presented over the time of the meeting.

On the first day of the conference we were given the opportunity to present our work as a poster. It was a very rewarding experience since we received a lot of constructive feedback helping us to proceed with our experiments.

Finally, at the last day of the conference, Timo had the chance to present our work also in the form of a short talk of 10 min. The talk was well received by the audience which gave additional feedback.

Timo presenting at the conference

As a summary, the conference strengthened our theoretical background in our research field of DNA damage response on one side. And on the other side, it gave us the chance to present our results to the scientific community which was a unique opportunity to receive feedback from leading scientists outside of Oxford.